Anti-Cancer Foods: Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

The history of vinegar is 5000 years old when Babylonians used to make it from the fruit of palm trees. Vinegar comes from the Latin word "Vinum acetum" which means "sour wine".

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a type of vinegar made with crushed apples that are fermented with yeast, sugar, and water. 

The processed Apple cider vinegar in the grocery store is the clear, pasteurized, and filtered type. However, "Raw ACV",  is unfiltered contains a cloudy sediment. Called "the mother," This substance is made up of settled bacteria and yeast that sinks to the bottom of the bottle. Some people give the mother credit for ACV's health benefits.

How is Apple Cider Vinegar Used?

It is mainly used in salad dressings or sauces; however, it is a natural product that is an amazing gift of nature. 

Most recently, apple cider vinegar gained popularity due to its detoxification or cleansing effect. It is also a great way to reduce weight and control cholesterol levels. It is an popular product as it contains vitamins B and C that increases the body's ability to absorb many minerals in our food. 

In ancient Greece, Hypocrites mixed vinegar with honey and used it to treat many diseases, including fever and cold. ACV is also used as alternative medicine in China and Africa.


What Are The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?

You may know someone who insists that drinking ACV in the morning on an empty stomach is a great way to reduce weight, or you may find different articles on the Internet describing this excellent drink's health benefits. If you are wondering about the hype of apple cider vinegar, then the following are the health benefits you can get by including this drink in your diet.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

ACV is beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels in some groups. A study conducted in 2021 noted that apple cider vinegar reduced the cholesterol levels of people with type 2 diabetes when taken regularly.

Improves Skin Health

ACV is also excellent for dry skin and Eczema. As the skin's pH is slightly acidic, using substances that restore the skin's natural pH improves the skin's protective barrier. In theory, it has antibacterial properties, which means that it acts as a great cleanser to treat acne and other skin conditions. More research still needs to be done to confirm this benefit.


Apple Cider Vinegar


Aids In Weight Loss

Obesity is a major problem worldwide, and people are finding new diets and ways to reduce weight effortlessly. Apple cider vinegar is a great way to lose some extra weight. Several human studies have shown that Apple Cider Vinegar increases satiety, leading to weight loss. A study showed that Apple Cider Vinegar resulted in weight loss when consumed with a high carbohydrate diet. Another study showed that it reduced belly fat in obese people. However, the survey was only conducted over three months, so its long-term effects are still not confirmed.

Rich In Healthy Substances

Due to its manufacturing process, ACV is rich in many healthy substances. It contains a substance called mother which consists of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria. People have been using apple cider vinegar as a disinfectant for nail fungus, ear infections, and warts. It is also a natural preservative, so if you want to preserve your food naturally, Apple cider vinegar is your go-to product.

Reduces Inflammation

People have suggested drinking ACV regularly as a great way to deal with inflammatory conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), and rheumatoid arthritis. However, studies are still lacking that establish a link between ACV and these inflammatory conditions.

What Makes Apple Cider Vinegar An Anti-Cancer Food?

Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg stated that cancer is caused due to low Oxygen and acidity in the body. He also discovered that cancer cells produce lactic acid when they grow. Based on this suggestion, people thought ACV could help prevent cancer as it is alkalizing in the body. Alkalizing means it reduces acidity.

Most studies that support ACV's role as an anticancer food are either test tube or animal studies. Human studies are lacking. However, those studies have found that cancer cells grow more rapidly in an acidic environment.

One study found that applying Acetic Acid to cancer cells killed them effectively. Scientists are trying to find ways to deliver acetic axis to tumors, but remember that these studies were carried out using tissue samples rather than living humans. Some observational links have also been found between the consumption of ACV and a lower risk of esophageal cancer.

The bottom line: the bottom line about ACV is that no one can deny its health benefits, but the claim that it prevents cancer still needs to be researched extensively to claim anything.


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